Our journey to better health
BJC Connected Care
A brief introductory description of your blog and the topics covered at a high level. Just one or two sentences should be just right.

Social Media & CommunicationRheumatology
Reflecting on a year of rheumatology blogging

PhysiotherapyArthritis: inflammatoryBack & NeckAnkylosing Spondylitis & Spondyloarthritis
Demonstrating the Modified Schober Test
Connected CareSocial Media & Communication
Telemedicine Connects Care

Connected CareRheumatology
Connecting Rheumatology Care

Connected CareArthritis: degenerative & mechanicalKnee & HipOsteoarthritisExercise PhysiologyDiet & Nutrition
Knee Osteoarthritis: a not-so-new IDEA

Chicago: my ACR 2011

Arthritis: inflammatory
Slapped Cheeks & Bad Nights: Update
Arthritis: inflammatory