Psoriatic ArthritisArthritis
BJC Connected Care
A brief introductory description of your blog and the topics covered at a high level. Just one or two sentences should be just right.

MethotrexateRheumatoid ArthritisMedications
How I prescribe Methotrexate step-by-step

Social Media & CommunicationPsoriatic Arthritis
How can we better use Vidscriptions to educate patients?

Social Media & Communication
Do Rheumatologists need to bother with Patient Support Groups?
The Medical Profession
GP education: small & slow steps, part 2

"Big, Bad Facts" about Big Pharma

PhysiotherapyPhysioExercise PhysiologyArthritisDiet & Nutrition
The BIG 3 Natural therapies for Arthritis

Biologic & other DMARDsArthritis: inflammatoryRheumatoid ArthritisMedications
Is Cheap, Triple Therapy as good as Biologic therapy in RA?
