Functional Conditioning Standards
- Graduated exercise programs.
- Screening for yellow flags / psychosocial barriers.
- Tailoring, specific to the individual’s injury and vocation.
- Experience and quality that is cost efficient.
- Facilitation by a tertiary qualified rehabilitation therapists.
- Comprehensive Initial assessment and report.
- Comprehensive Final assessment and report
- Functional assessment performed by Physiotherapist
- Recommendations on the clients ability return to work and their suitability to upgrade work duties.
- Strict screening process relating to areas of injury, general health, mental function and work limitations.
- Functional conditioning and exercise sessions supervised by physiotherapist or exercise physiologist.
- Correct manual handling techniques.
- Self management and monitoring of home exercise programs.
- Injury awareness and understanding.
- Strategies to improve return to work outcomes
- Return to work techniques and strategies.