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FODMAP Featured Diet & Nutrition

Fad diets & FODMAPs

Chloe McLeod |
As more people learn about low FODMAP diets, with it’s increasing presence in the media, I thought it an important reminder that this is most definitely not a fad diet.
The low FODMAP diet is not designed to be stuck to long term, and also is not designed for weight loss; the key purpose of removing high FODMAP foods, and including only low FODMAP foods is to determine if symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome improve; this includes bloating, diarrhoea, constipation, nausea, stomach cramps, wind and reflux. Lethargy or tiredness is another common side effect.
I’ve spoken previously about the importance of the low FODMAP challenges. Cutting out whole food groups or types of food long term is unnecessary in most cases.
People regularly ask me if they can lose weight on a low FODMAP diet. The answer is yes, however it is so important to remember that this is not the overall goal of the diet. I will be writing in an up coming post about weight loss on the low FODMAP diet, so stay tuned!
12 week fodmap challenge

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