In the last month I have been given two wonderful opportunities to talk about osteoporosis - the most common disease of the bone. I was asked to be the presenter for a webinar for Arthritis and Osteoporosis NSW, which was a great experience! And then I contributed to an article for Singtao newspaper, a widely circulated Chinese newspaper in Sydney.
It is estimated that 50% of females and 20% of males over the age of 50 will sustain a minimal fracture at some point in their lives, and unfortunately only about 30% of patients receive optimal care. There are risk factors for osteoporosis that we can’t control for, such as age, gender (osteoporosis is more common in females) and medications (steroids) prescribed to treat other conditions etc.
The good news is there are medical treatments to slow down the lost of bone if you have been diagnosed with osteopenia or osteoporosis. From a dietary perspective there are also steps you can take to assist bone health.
7 Dietary Steps to Stronger Bones:
For more detailed information please feel free to contact me, BJC Health or Arthritis and Osteoporosis NSW