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Anti-Inflammatory Cookbook

Anti-Inflammatory Eating: Recipes from your Dietitian's Kitchen

Chloe McLeod |

Research is showing more and more clearly the significant role nutrition plays in both managing chronic disease, and preventing lifestyle-related conditions from occurring.

In our new book, ‘Anti-Inflammatory Eating: Recipes from your Dietitian’s Kitchen’, we provide an array of recipes to help reduce inflammation, and improve your overall health.

As a large portion of our work as dietitian's at BJC Health involves working with people living with IBS - who are following a low FODMAP diet - we have made sure many of the recipes are either low FODMAP, or can be modified easily to be made low FODMAP.

We have even provided a sample recipe straight out of the cookbook for you to test out!

We hope you enjoy it!

Anti-Inflammatory Eating
Anti-Inflammatory Eating

Anti-Inflammatory Cookbook

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