BJC Connected Care
A brief introductory description of your blog and the topics covered at a high level. Just one or two sentences should be just right.

Rheumatologyrheumatology clinictelehealthrheumatology consultationcovid-19
How our Rheumatology service might look after 6 months of the Covid-19 pandemic

Rheumatologytelehealthrheumatology consultationcovid-19
Emergency Rheumatology Service for those who can't attend hospital clinics during COVID-19 pandemic

Rheumatologyrheumatology clinictelehealth
How Covid-19 sped up Rheumatology Telehealth delivery

Social Media & CommunicationRheumatologyRheumatology Republic
Introducing Rheumatology Republic - Join our community!

RheumatologyRheumatology Republicrheumatology consultation
What will my rheumatology consultation look like in the future?

FeaturedRheumatoid Arthritis
Seronegative vs Seropositive Rheumatoid Arthritis

FeaturedRheumatoid Arthritis
Advancing Rheumatoid Arthritis Treatments

Rheumatoid Arthritis
Rheumatoid Arthritis Flare Ups and How to Manage Them

FeaturedRheumatoid ArthritisExercise Physiology
Should an Exercise Physiologist be part of my Rheumatoid Arthritis care plan?

EducationJAM SessionBJC Health JAM
August 2018: Joint & Musculoskeletal Education for GPs

A Universal Language for Pain

RheumatologyThe Medical RepublicRheumatology Republic
Reflecting on 15 years as a rheumatologist

Exercise PhysiologyExercise Right Week
Prescribing Exercise as Medicine

Fibromyalgiaamplified painCRPS
A resource for your child with amplified pain

pain at balls of feetorthotics
So many off-the-shelf options for Painful Feet!

Rheumatoid ArthritisMedications
Baricitinib for RA. How should I use it?

Why did I become a rheumatologist?

knuckle cracking
Knuckle Cracking: To Crack or Not to Crack

A hectic start to the year

Psoriatic Arthritisexerciseweight lossinflammatory arthritis
Listen to a patient! Weight loss & the positive effect on Arthritis

MethotrexatePsoriatic Arthritispsoriasis
How aggressively should psoriasis in a teenager be treated?

Rheumatologyrheumatology clinic
Our 2018 roadmap: how we hope to improve Your Rheumatology Clinic

Raynaud's phenomenon
Blue Digits & Raynaud's Phenomenon

ACR MeetingRheumatology conference
My experience of the American College of Rheumatology Annual Meeting 2017

postureneck painupper back pain
Do you maintain correct posture?

How to give yourself an injection of subcutaneous Methotrexate

EducationBJC Health JAM
Footage from our JAM Session

Social Media & CommunicationRheumatology
What Motivations & Priorities do patients have?

Rheumatoid ArthritisMedications
Do rheumatologists persist with Methotrexate too long?

The Rheumatology Spiel

RheumatologyBJC Health JAM
BJC Health JAM session makes Arthritis & Rheumatology sweeter

Psoriatic ArthritisRheumatoid Arthritis
Joint Damage Simulator for PsA & RA

Ankylosing Spondylitis & Spondyloarthritis
Low back pain, how long does it last?

Ankylosing Spondylitis & Spondyloarthritis
Sacroiliac joint X-rays in diagnosis of Ankylosing Spondylitis

Connected CareOur journey to better health
Benefit Ladder for people with arthritis

Rheumatoid Arthritis
Immunology of Rheumatoid Arthritis: whiteboard animation

GoutDiet & Nutrition
Sugar Content in Soft Drinks in Australia

Back & NeckMedicationssciatica
But All I Want To Do Is Help! Lyrica for Sciatica

EducationRheumatoid Arthritispatient empowerment
My book: Stuff you should know about Rheumatoid Arthritis

EducationRheumatoid Arthritispatient empowerment
I’ve written a book to help you understand Rheumatoid Arthritis

Autoimmune diseaseMicrobiome
How to explain the microbiome to people with autoimmune arthritis?

Arthritis: degenerative & mechanicalOsteoarthritischronic pain
Poor Hip Xray, Great attitude

EducationRheumatoid Arthritis

What’s in that herbal medicine?

Rheumatoid ArthritisMedications
JAK inhibitors cometh

Five reasons NOT to take herbal medicine

Ankylosing Spondylitis & SpondyloarthritisMedications
Don't say that Anti-inflammatory drugs don't work for ALL back pain

Rheumatoid ArthritisDiet & Nutrition
Promising to cure Rheumatoid Arthritis is powerful & dangerous

Have your say! TREXJECT pre-filled syringe listing submission

Arthritis: inflammatoryDiagnostic Tests & Investigations
The most common cause for a swollen knee in a young woman?

Other Musings
Popping joints: what's happening & does it harm you?

MedicationsCOX-2 inhibitorsNSAIDS
Revolving Door: Safety of Celecoxib vs NSAIDs

TNF inhibitorsstrategy trial
EXXELERATE trial of Certolizumab vs Adalimumab: TNF inhibitors head-to-head

What to do about overwhelming fatigue in rheumatology?

Use of Telehealth in Rheumatology
Diet & Nutritioninflammatory diseaseexercise
Lifestyle Change for Inflammatory Arthritis & Autoimmune Disease: group Q&A session

Biologic & other DMARDs
When should we swap DMARDS?

Psoriatic Arthritisawareness campaignpsoriasis
Double Whammy Campaign

Rheumatoid Arthritis
RA TV ad spotted!

Ankylosing Spondylitis & SpondyloarthritisDiagnostic Tests & Investigations
How useful is MRI to diagnose spondyloarthritis?

Biologic & other DMARDsPsoriatic ArthritisAnkylosing Spondylitis & SpondyloarthritisTNF inhibitorsMedications
Psoriatic Arthritis & Ankylosing Spondylitis: Should we target IL-17 or TNF inhibition?

Ankylosing Spondylitis & Spondyloarthritis
Take this test: Do you have Ankylosing Spondylitis?

Biologic & other DMARDsTNF inhibitorsBiosimilar
The TNF-inhibitor Biosimilar era is upon us. What is a biosimilar?

awareness campaignPhysiotherapy TrainingJAM SessionGP Training
The JAM Session for training in musculoskeletal disease

Knee & HipOsteoarthritisWeightloss
Target this percentage weight loss for Knee Osteoarthritis

Rheumatoid Arthritis
Diagnosed with Rheumatoid? Ask your rheumatologist these 10 questions

ProceduresPRP injections
PRP injections: what, why, when, safety

Biologic & other DMARDsTNF inhibitorsMedicationsPBS criteria for TNF
Are PBS requirements to access biologic DMARDs wasting people’s time?

Connected CareSocial Media & Communication
Explaining a multidisciplinary approach to solving muscle, bone, tendon, autoimmune & joint problems

Biologic & other DMARDsRheumatoid ArthritisPregnancy
Are biological DMARDs safe in rheumatoid pregnancy?

Ankylosing Spondylitis & Spondyloarthritisawareness campaign
Ankylosing Spondylitis awareness, share this whiteboard animation

Ankylosing Spondylitis & SpondyloarthritisHLA B27
Genetics of Ankylosing Spondylitis. What’s the risk for your child?

Hydroxychloroquine in SLE: you need a good reason NOT to be using it

We need the prefilled Methotrexate subcutaneous injection pen in Australia!

SMH report of preventable Methotrexate Overdosing

Connected Care
BJC Health in Best Practice Magazine article

Biologic & other DMARDsMedications
Help needed: Australian-wide study on biologic use in pregnancy

Connected Care
The BJC Health Amazing Race

Disease Related Diet ResearchAnti-Inflammatory Cookbook
Evidence for the Impact of Anti-Inflammatory Eating

patient advocacy
Patients spotted at the ARA ASM!

Psoriatic Arthritisustekinumab
Ustekinumab now available for Psoriatic Arthritis

Ankylosing Spondylitis & SpondyloarthritisTNF inhibitorsPBS criteria for TNF
PBS Criteria to access TNF inhibitors for Ankylosing Spondylitis in Australia

FeaturedAnkylosing Spondylitis & SpondyloarthritisMedications
Ankylosing Spondylitis is easy to treat. Or is it?

Rheumatologysecond opinion
Embrace the Second Opinion

FeaturedDiet & NutritionAnti-Inflammatory Cookbook
Anti-Inflammatory Eating for Arthritis, Autoimmune Disease & Health

FeaturedRheumatoid ArthritisHand & Wristfoot swellingfoot painpain at balls of feet
Rheumatoid doesn't need to start with Hand Arthritis

MethotrexatePsoriatic ArthritisMedicationsApremilast
Apremilast, a replacement for Methotrexate?

arthritis centrerheumatology clinic
BJC Health Parramatta's Official Opening

Ankylosing Spondylitis & Spondyloarthritissymptom screener
10 years is too long to wait for a diagnosis for your back pain!

FeaturedAnkylosing Spondylitis & Spondyloarthritis
Channel Ten's "Back Pain Mystery"

Ankylosing Spondylitis & Spondyloarthritisawareness campaignsymptom screener
Don’t Turn Your Back on the ankylosing spondylitis bedroom elephant?

Imprecise Rheumatology Prescribing

Arthritis: inflammatoryTNF inhibitorsMedications
Can I reduce or stop TNF blocker medication?

practice philosophy
Practice Philosophy for an Arthritis Centre

Diagnostic Tests & InvestigationsChoosing wiselyultrasoundlateral hip pain
Choosing Wisely: Ultrasound for Lateral Hip Pain?

Diagnostic Tests & InvestigationsLupusANA
Reduce the number of ANA tests ordered

Psoriatic ArthritisEULARguidelinesMedications
EULAR 2015 Guidelines for Medication in Psoriatic Arthritis

Psoriatic ArthritisAnkylosing Spondylitis & SpondyloarthritisRheumatoid ArthritisTNF inhibitorsMedications
TNF inhibitors cause Weight Gain & Fat Increase

GoutDisease Related Diet Research
Cherries vs Gout

Merry Christmas from your Arthritis team

Other Musings
Lunchtime Rheumatology Visit

ACR 2015: San Francisco Rheuminations

Biologic & other DMARDsArthritis: inflammatoryRheumatoid Arthritis
A Current Affair's Arthritis Exclusive

FeaturedDiseaseAnkylosing Spondylitis & Spondyloarthritis
Watch Your Back

Musings on Sri Lankan Rheumatology

Social Media & CommunicationOther Musings
Should rheumatologists worry about Dr rating sites?

Arthritis: inflammatoryRheumatoid Arthritis
I can’t cure Rheumatoid Arthritis but here’s what we’ll achieve

Connected CareOther Musings
Our inaugural BJC Health Conference

Connected CareOther Musings
Getting close to better rheumatology workspace

Arthritis: inflammatoryFeaturedPsoriatic Arthritis
My lack of options with Psoriatic Arthritis

MethotrexateRheumatoid ArthritisMedications
Rheumatoid arthritis treatment: Balancing odds of drug working vs chance of side effects

How do people tolerate Tophaceous Gout?

Other Musings
EULAR 2015: my Rome rheumination

Biologic & other DMARDs
What if you're forced to substitute biologic to biosimilar?

Our journey to better health
Ask what we can do for our Arthritis Associations

Our 1st new drug for Gout in 40 years

Social Media & Communication
Why Rheumatologists may be sceptical about e-patients?

Rheumatoid Arthritis Physiotherapy E-learning
Other Musings
Book appointments online with your Rheumatologist
Our journey to better healthOther Musings
Use your laptop while standing

Biologic & other DMARDsArthritis: inflammatoryMedications
Welcome Tofacitinib. Now, how should I use you?

Arthritis: inflammatoryRheumatoid Arthritis
The Not-to-do list for Rheumatoid Arthritis
Diagnostic Tests & Investigations
A New Rheumatology Toy

Diagnostic Tests & Investigations
ANA + does not = Lupus

Other Musings
Can patient & rheumatologist agree on the target?

An afternoon of rheumatology with GP registrars

RheumatologyOther Musings
Two sides of the Rheumatology Coin

Arthritis: inflammatoryRheumatoid Arthritis
Rheumatoid: good but not perfect

Arthritis: inflammatoryRheumatoid Arthritis
This picture of RA needs to be changed!
Other Musings
Who is my ideal arthritis patient?

Arthritis: inflammatoryDiagnostic Tests & Investigations
Maybe you should check the cause for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome prior to Surgery?

How many patients does a Rheumatologist see?

Other Musings
Slow Rheumatology

Methotrexate & Laser Hair Removal
Other Musings
My Top 4 Rheumatology posts for 2014

Other Musings
Season's Greetings from BJC Health
When should you see a rheumatologist?

Biologic & other DMARDsRheumatoid Arthritis
Rheumatoid Arthritis treatment: Can we use biologic DMARDs early then take them away?
Other Musings
Slowing Down a Speedy Rheumatologist

CorticosteroidAutoimmune disease
Giant Cell Arteritis: a rheumatological emergency

Biologic & other DMARDsDiseaseRheumatoid ArthritisMedications
Can we use TNF inhibitors early then take them away?

Why would you let this arthritis occur to you?

Biologic & other DMARDsPsoriatic Arthritis
Psoriatic arthritis: Beyond TNF inhibition

Diagnostic Tests & Investigations
How Aussie Rheumatologists are using Ultrasound

Other Musings
Repeating a 1-year experience 20 times

Biologic & other DMARDsTNF inhibitorsMedications
What to do for that TNF-inhibitor injection site reaction?
What's the Side Effect of Avoiding Medication?

Arthritis: inflammatoryAnkylosing Spondylitis & Spondyloarthritis
Using Tree Branches to understand Inflammatory Back Pain


Psoriatic ArthritisAnkylosing Spondylitis & Spondyloarthritis
Spondyloarthritis Word Soup

How to treat a ganglion cyst

Ankylosing Spondylitis & Spondyloarthritis
Don't Turn Your Back On It: 2 months into the campaign
Other Musings
Why do some find Pain difficult to describe?

When the volume control for pain gets turned up

Arthritis: inflammatoryAnkylosing Spondylitis & Spondyloarthritis
Michael Slater & his Secret Spondylitis

CorticosteroidShoulder & Upper Limb
Shoulder cortisone injection: a video showing what’s involved

Connected Care
BJC Health's Amazing Race
Other Musings
2nd Opinion Musings

Arthritis Awareness is a Hard Slog

Arthritis: inflammatoryAnkylosing Spondylitis & Spondyloarthritis
The Back Cave

Arthritis: inflammatoryAnkylosing Spondylitis & Spondyloarthritis
Who's got your Back?

Arthritis: inflammatoryAnkylosing Spondylitis & Spondyloarthritis
The Back Pain Maze

Arthritis: inflammatoryPsoriatic ArthritisDiet & Nutrition
Did you know these weighty facts about Psoriatic Arthritis?
Low dose Methotrexate: Myths & Realities
Rheumatoid ArthritisOur journey to better health
Our workflow for newly diagnosed Rheumatoid

Social Media & Communication
How much disease education is too much?

Arthritis: degenerative & mechanicalOsteoarthritisArthritis
We're impotent with this deforming arthritis

Ankylosing Spondylitis & Spondyloarthritis
The Other Body Parts Ankylosing Spondylitis affects

Rheumatoid Arthritis
Lumpy Rheumatoid

Ankylosing Spondylitis & Spondyloarthritis
How does Ankylosing Spondylitis affect your sleep?
RheumatologyOur journey to better health
Improving how I introduce myself as a rheumatologist

Does the prospective father need to stop Methotrexate?

Biologic & other DMARDsPsoriatic ArthritisMedications
Can TNFi for Psoriatic Arthritis worsen Psoriasis?

Arthritis: degenerative & mechanicalArthritis: inflammatoryKnee & HipDiagnostic Tests & InvestigationsArthritis
Young Man, Swollen Knee

Arthritis: inflammatory
Treat to Target: rheumatology reality or pie-in-the-sky?

Ankylosing Spondylitis & Spondyloarthritis
AS frustrates, you & me!

Biologic & other DMARDsMedications
Let's discuss Vaccination with Biologic DMARDs

Arthritis: inflammatoryDiagnostic Tests & InvestigationsArthritis
My grandma, arthritis, & the difficulty with diagnosis

Other Musings
Reflecting on my 1st decade as a Rheumatologist
MethotrexateBiologic & other DMARDsArthritis: inflammatoryCorticosteroidRheumatoid ArthritisMedications
Managing Rheumatoid Arthritis with DMARDs: 2013 EULAR recommendations

Prednisone as a cause of Back Pain

Other Musings
Bringing home a patient…

Arthritis: degenerative & mechanical
What not to wear for foot arthritis

Biologic & other DMARDsMedications
Plaquenil Pigmentation

Other Musings
The Dreaded 1st day back to rheumatology clinic post-hols

Connected Care
BJC Health's Vision & The Sushi Train

Connected Care
Merry Xmas from the BJC team!
Social Media & Communication
My favourite rheumatology posts for 2013

Social Media & Communication
Your Rheumatologist: partnership vs paternalism?

Arthritis: degenerative & mechanicalArthritis
When is the best time to have your joint replaced?

Rheumatoid ArthritisArthritis
Rheumatoid Arthritis and the window of opportunity

Connected CareOther Musings
Help us design the Rheumatology Centre you'd like to attend

Rheumatoid ArthritisMedicationsDiet & Nutrition
Fish Oil: will you now use this for Rheumatoid Arthritis?

Arthritis: inflammatoryPsoriatic ArthritisAnkylosing Spondylitis & Spondyloarthritis
Can reducing stress on the legs of Mice teach us about Spondyloarthritis?
Arthritis: inflammatoryRheumatoid Arthritis
An Easy Case of Rheumatoid

Social Media & CommunicationThe Medical Profession
Dinner Meeting vs Webinar for a GP talk

Other Musings
Is it easy to forget to see your rheumatologist?

Biologic & other DMARDsRheumatoid ArthritisMedications
Rheumatoid Arthritis treatment: Biologic DMARDs have to get cheaper: here's how

Biologic & other DMARDsRheumatoid ArthritisMedications