Who is my ideal arthritis patient?

Who is my ideal arthritis patient?

The Connected Care Blog

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By Dr Irwin Lim, Rheumatologist

I was recently completing a questionnaire and this question faced me.

Who is your ideal target customer?


We want to help everyone of course but it’s probably not a surprise to you, that some patients click with some doctors, and some doctors click with some patients.

I thought about this for a few minutes, in the context of the clinic I work in and the resources I use, and came up with:

  • The patient who is motivated to get better, the person who is engaged in their own care.
  • Ideally, someone who believes and understands that best care does involve input from a variety of different health professionals working together as a team.

I wonder what your thoughts may be about this?

Dr Irwin Lim is a rheumatologist and a director of BJC Health. You should follow him on twitter here.
BJC Health’s vision is to create best care for people with arthritis. Contact us.

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