The Back Cave

By Dr Irwin Lim, Rheumatologist
As part of the Don't Turn Your Back On It campaign, the Back Cave is touring Sydney, Wollongong and Newcastle over 3 weekends.
This travelling health education set-up was and will be stationed at local shopping malls hoping to capture some foot traffic.
Passer-bys with back pain are encouraged to access the Symptom Screener on the Don't Turn Your Back On It website via iPad Kiosks. If they want, there are health care professionals on hand to discuss their symptoms and to answer any questions they may have.
On Saturday, Errol put on his physiotherapist hat while I played rheumatologist. We were careful not to provide diagnoses as that would have been inappropriate based on 5 questions and a quick chat, but I must say that there were some suggestive stories.
A couple of thousand flyers were handed out. I think about 40 to 50 people did the screeners during our shifts.
Unfortunately, the poor weather dampened proceedings somewhat but it was a start.
There wasn't any local media interest which is disappointing, but not that surprising. Arthritis & rheumatic diseases struggle to get media attention. We do need this situation to change.
This weekend, the Back Cave moves to Wollongong, and the campaign marches on. It will be great if you could help.
Visit www.dontturnyourbackonit.com.au and like it, tweet it, share it, pin it, email it.
Dr Irwin Lim is a rheumatologist and a director of BJC Health. You should follow him on twitter here. Arthritis requires an integrated approach. We call this, Connected Care. Contact us.