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Social Media & Communication

Rheumatology Webinar from my son's room

Dr Irwin Lim
Dr Irwin Lim |

Dylan's roomBy Dr Irwin Lim, Rheumatologist

7.30pm is a busy time at the Lim household. The kids attempting to finish some homework, the violin and piano are being practised, and there's a general buzz as we rush around before it's time for the kids to sleep.

On Wednesday night, I holed up in my son's room to try and escape the bustle.

Dr Stephen Barnett from e-healthspace has been using webinars to help educate GP registrars in rural settings. He invited me to present some rheumatology.

My powerpoint slides were loaded beforehand. 10 minutes before the scheduled start, I clicked on a website link, was shown how to forward my slides and we were ready.

I sat at my son's little desk with my laptop. Webcam turned on. Wearing my work shirt as I was being webcasted but I'd changed to shorts for comfort (I wondered what the others were wearing).

19 GPs "watched". They interacted when I asked a question by typing their answers and comments.

It did feel a little strange, pausing and waiting for words to appear on the screen. I usually scan and try to read the faces in my audience. This wasn't an option.

And yet, there are advantages. No travelling time. Everyone in the comfort of their own homes or clinics. An efficient way to breach the great distances in this large country. Another method of spreading the word.

Have you had experience of webinars? Either as a presenter or participant?

Dr Irwin Lim is a rheumatologist and a director of BJC Health. You should follow him on twitter here.
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