How can we better use Vidscriptions to educate patients?

By Dr Irwin Lim, Rheumatologist
Some of you regular readers will know that we've started to utilise video to aid patient education. They aren't hard to make but it's still time-consuming so I've been a little tardy with these.
I recently created some on Psoriatic Arthritis. The videos we create are tidied up and then hosted by clear.md.
We've tried to design and answer the questions in the videos as though I'm explaining things for my patients. So a number of short videos are collected as a vidscription (here's an example) around a topic.
They are pretty basic and I should improve with time, but I think the concept has merit.
John Brownlee, the CEO of clear.md emailed me:
"Out of curiosity...how do you communicate your vidscriptions to patients when they're in the clinic? Are you using these before, during, or after consultations with patients?"
Good question.
We, and others, have gone to the trouble of creating the content.
How best to get it to the intended audience? Our patients.
At BJC Health, our patients, newly diagnosed with Rheumatoid or Ankylosing Spondylitis or Psoriatic Arthritis, meet our rheumatology care coordinator for education sessions. She sends them an introductory email with links to web-based resources regarding the disease. This includes the link to the relevant vidscriptions.
This also occurs when a significant new medication gets started eg Methotrexate or any of the biologics.
Do you have any ideas how we can better utilise these vidscriptions?
Dr Irwin Lim is a rheumatologist and a director of BJC Health. You should follow him on twitter here. Arthritis requires an integrated approach. We call this, Connected Care. Contact us.