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The Medical Profession

GP education: small & slow steps, part 2

Dr Irwin Lim
Dr Irwin Lim |

By Dr Irwin Lim, Rheumatologist

Just a quick update on a post I wrote in February (GP education: small & slow steps).

Rob Russo, Herman Lau, Andrew Jordan and I presented cases to highlight pertinent features of Psoriatic Arthritis, Rheumatoid Arthritis and Spondyloarthritis/Ankylosing Spondylitis.

On that night in February, we were a little disheartened by a poor turnout with only 8 attendees.

Last night, the same 4 rheumatologists presented the same cases in the same format.

Yes, the suburb/venue was different - just a modest, unfussy, local eatery - but all else was kept equal.

This time, a full house with 35 GPs showing up and another 10 on a waiting list to attend. An uncomfortably large number for the small space we had.

The talks were designed to be interactive and the discussion was lively. It was wonderful to see GPs interested and engaged with topics we are passionate about.

A great night. We are enthused. More GP education will follow.

Dr Irwin Lim is a rheumatologist and a director of BJC Health. You should follow him on twitter here.
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