The Rheumatology team at #EULAR2013

By Dr Irwin Lim, Rheumatologist
My wife was a bit worried when I started chatting, tweeting some "strangers".
They used to be strangers but really over time, they've become colleagues with a common goal of advancing rheumatology, for both doctors and patients.
I've found everyone really friendly and more than happy to share. In fact, rheumatology tweeps go out of their way to help with a relevant link or emailing a journal article or posting me some resources or just giving great advice.
My wife became even more worried when I said I was planning to meet these tweeps in the flesh!
Last year, at EULAR Berlin, I had the great pleasure to have dinner and to share a drink with:
- Ronan Kavanagh - @RonanTKavanagh
- Lothar Kirsh - @Rheumatologe
- Michiel Zandbelt - @zandbelt
- Chetan Narshi - @rheumi_
- Francis Berenbaum - @Larhumato
- Julia Simard - @RheumEpi
This EULAR, which started on Wednesday, we organised another meetup and courtesy of the Madrid local, Jose Campos, we enjoyed great tapas at La Barbacoa de Berlin.
Introductions, handshakes, laughs and cheers were shared by:
- Anna Reutt, Poland - @matylda68
- Philip Robinson, Australia - @philipcrobinson
- Carlo Caballero, Colombia - @carvicab
- Jose Campos, Spain - @JoseCamposMD
- Philip Gardiner, Ireland - @PhilipGardiner
There are others who are here contributing on #EULAR2013, but who couldn't attend (some due to the French air traffic controllers strike):
- AiLyn Tan, UK - @DrAiLynTan
- David O'Reilly, UK - @Rheuma_suffolk
- Debbie Cook, UK - @NASSdirector
- Raj Sengupta, UK - @rajsengupta
- Lothar Kirsh, Germany - @Rheumatologe
- Shashank Akerkar, India - @doctorakerkar
I include the list for those of you on twitter to follow. They're nice folks and really do want to help and engage.
The group's growing and that's a very good thing. Remember the hashtag #EULAR2013 to get the latest news and views from Madrid.
Dr Irwin Lim is a rheumatologist and a director of BJC Health. You should follow him on twitter here. Arthritis requires an integrated approach. We call this, Connected Care. Contact us.