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Difficult Questions

Dr Irwin Lim
Dr Irwin Lim |

By Dr Irwin Lim, Rheumatologist

My 6 year-old son asked "Where did I come from?" (paraphrased).

Hmmm. I'm not ready for this. A difficult question.

In clinic, difficult questions are common. Most times, I have a ready made answer and this has evolved with experience and repetition.

With my son, the answer was lame. I muttered something about mum's tummy and eggs. I'm not sure he understood and I sure wasn't anatomically or physiologically correct. We'll leave that discussion for some other day. It hasn't yet occurred to him to use Dr Google and Mr Youtube.

Maybe, I should have just told him what I would usually say when faced with a question I can't answer in clinic or when I want more time to think about the answer.

I need to read more about it, and discuss it with my colleagues, and I'll get back to you soon.

Dr Irwin Lim is a rheumatologist and a director of BJC Health. You should follow him on twitter here.
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