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A CLEARer MD is a better educator?

Dr Irwin Lim
Dr Irwin Lim |

By Dr Irwin Lim, Rheumatologist

Inspired by the efforts of the dynamic Ronan Kavanagh, I ventured onto the website.

My initial impression was that it had a clean interface and had the potential to be a Youtube for medical questions, with less clutter and noise.

Ronan put me in touch with John Brownlee, the CEO of A few weeks later, a pop-up green screen, a tripod, a little mike, and an adaptor to connect an iPad to this set-up, arrived in the mail.

We were ready to start. It did feel a little strange to front up, stare at the ipad and talk.

How do I condense complicated medical explanations into less than 1 minute? The answer is to break down the topic into smaller snippets, to help answer specific questions. These snippets of video can then be organised into specific sections called Vidscriptions.

These are my initial attempts.

I think there's great potential here. We'll work on creating more and extending this library. We plan to provide our patients the link to these vidsciptions to help educate them and to consolidate what we teach them in the clinic.

Please have a look. I would really value your feedback so that we and can improve this wonderful tool.

Dr Irwin Lim is a rheumatologist and a director of BJC Health. You should follow him on twitter here.
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