BJC Health's Refracture Prevention Program

By Irwin Lim, Rheumatologist
It is well recognised that people who suffer an osteoporotic fracture (minimal trauma fracture) are then at very much increased risk of getting further fractures. These patients often present to A&E departments and are treated with surgery or a splint.
And yet, osteoporosis is not thought of or investigated for, and therefore, not treated.
The most obvious and cost-effective group to treat is therefore ignored.
Given the bureaucracy and blame-shifting that exists in our Australian hospitals, little is being done about this. The major tertiary-level hospital at Westmead, closest to BJC Health's Parramatta clinic, does not even have a specific fracture liaison program to deal with this.
BJC Health has developed a comprehensive Refracture Prevention Program to address this using our Connected Care approach. This week, we mailed out the details of our Refracture Prevention Program to the surrounding GPs to our Parramatta clinic. The program encompasses diagnosis, medical assessment, DXA testing, osteoporosis education, falls risk analysis followed by gait stability improvement, dietary advice, and continued monitoring.
We hope there will be an uptake for this heavily subsidised service given it will serve such an important public health function.
While the referral form is directed at general practitioners and other doctors, I present it for you to view as BJC Health is trying to highlight the plight of osteoporosis sufferers. Our clinic also wants to highlight our program, which we feel is unique out in the community, offering a solution without continuing to wait for either State or Federal Health authorities to act.
Dr Irwin Lim is a rheumatologist and a director of BJC Health.
BJC Health provides a connected care multidisciplinary team philosophy to deliver positive lifestyle outcomes through a holistic approach to those with degenerative & inflammatory arthritis, tendon injury and lifestyle diseases. Our clinics are located in Parramatta, Chatswood and Brookvale. Contact us.
This blog focuses on arthritis-related diseases, healthcare in general, and our Connected Care philosophy.