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Physiotherapy Our journey to better health

The Marathon: a physio faces this challenge

Dr Irwin Lim
Dr Irwin Lim |

by Rachael Butterworth, Physiotherapist

A few weekends ago, I was thinking back to the list I wrote back in my early 20s: ‘Goals to Achieve Before the Age of 30’.

I was admiring my achievements and successes when it struck me that I still had one goal left to achieve. With the 30th looming closer and closer (October 2011 deadline), I decided that now was the time to start training for the Blackmores Sydney Marathon!

I have always envied the endurance athlete. The dedication to training , the discipline, the will power! And, the desire to do it all over again and again, and again. It absolutely amazes me and this is where my passion comes from as a physiotherapist to assess and rehabilitate these athletes.

Believe me when I tell you that I have never been a long distance runner. I love my sport, but the social game of soccer or netball hardly compares to the grueling feat of running a marathon. It already exhausts me just to think about it. And, running usually bores me to tears!

But I have to change my mind set if I want to achieve this goal. You may ask why I would push to achieve this goal when I had never previously wanted to be a long distance runner. It’s because I expect that the feeling of success and achievement when I cross that finish line, will far, far outweigh the agonizing training I will have to go through to get there!

Those of you who have managed this feat, how long did you train for? Did you have any hiccups along the way? I would be grateful to hear your stories.

Rachael Butterworth is a physiotherapist at BJC Health. BJC Health provides coordinated, comprehensive, and colocated multidisciplinary care to achieve effective solutions for patients. We call this model of care, Connected Care. Our clinics are located in Parramatta, Chatswood and Brookvale. Contact us.

This blog focuses on musculoskeletal disease, healthcare in general, and our Connected Care philosophy. Read More.

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