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Connected Care Physiotherapy Our journey to better health

Connected Care for my wife, kids and ME!

Dr Irwin Lim
Dr Irwin Lim |

by Errol Lim, Physiotherapist

I have chosen to write this introductory blog as a commitment to myself to live what we are trying to achieve at BJC Health, “Connected Care”.

I talk about care everyday of the week. Care for our patients, care for our staff and care for our family and friends. What happened to caring for myself?

I then had a little epiphany whilst taking a shower recently (most of my bright ideas tend to come at this time) that the best test of our Connected Care model would be for me to be a patient making myself the central focus.

It would give our whole allied health team the opportunity to manage the health of one of the directors of the business allowing me to gain insight from a patient’s perspective thus living our Connected Care philosophy from the other side. It would also give me the impetus to make significant changes in my lifestyle to overcome the stress and strain of running a business; being a husband and father; and trying to be 20 again on the sporting field.

Before I continue I should give you some background on myself. I wanted to be a physiotherapist since I was 14 years old. At that time, the positive experience of having physiotherapy for some low back pain was a major reason in wanting to help others with similar injuries. My love of sport and watching physios run out on the field inspired me to study physiotherapy.

I have now been treating and managing patients for the last 13 years. Physiotherapy has brought me around the world through sport and taught me what care is necessary to affect positive change.

It has also taught me that physiotherapy on its own is insufficient to achieving one’s overall health goal. It requires a coordinated and integrated approach from various health professions specific to the patient’s needs to achieve the ultimate outcome. Hence, Connected Care was born.

Over the next 6 months through a series of blogs, I will detail my journey in an attempt to lose 10kg; sort out my right shoulder so that my tennis serve is back to where it once was; lower my blood pressure through exercise; improve my flexibility in an attempt to make golf a little more pleasurable; and the most difficult of all – change my eating habits and embrace a consistent healthy diet.

All in the name of Connected Care for my wife, kids and ME!

I am interested to hear from any of you out there who have gone through or are going through a similar journey as I, no matter how big or small your journey.

Errol Lim is a physiotherapist and a director of BJC Health. BJC Health provides coordinated, comprehensive, and colocated multidisciplinary care to achieve effective solutions for patients. We call this model of care, Connected Care. Our clinics are located in Parramatta, Chatswood and Brookvale. Contact us.

This blog focuses on musculoskeletal disease, healthcare in general, and our Connected Care philosophy. Read More.

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