If you’ve had hip bursitis you’ll certainly appreciate what a pain in the butt it can be- pun intended! For all of my patients with this condition, ...
Naturally, our bodies go through an ageing process. As we get older, we lose some of the ability we had in our youth. Joints can stiffen and muscles ...
Happy Exercise Right Week! If you weren't aware, this week is a part of an annual nation-wide campaign. Both celebrating the great work that Exercise ...
Angela returned to me feeling disappointed that she hadn’t been able to stick to the 10-15 minute exercise routine we’d developed to help her lower ...
Everyone knows the benefits of exercise, and if you’ve read my last blog, you’ll know how to start. But how do you stay motivated? We know that long ...
One of my clients Samantha was recently told that she might have Lupus. Understandably, there was a mild sense of panic and fear associated with this ...