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Physiotherapy Education Staff Picks

Running Assessments

Errol Lim
Errol Lim |

With an increasing amount of fun runs, mud runs, half marathons and full marathons taking place every year around Australia, it is imperative to have your running assessed.

At BJC Health, we have trained physiotherapists to perform running assessments on you.

It doesn’t matter if you are a novice or professional runner, but by having your running assessed, any changes made should lead to reduced injuries as well as improved performance.

A running assessment at BJC Health Chatswood or Parramatta will start with a comprehensive history taken to gain a good understanding of your running volume, intensity, history, goals, footwear and any previous injuries.

Following this, the physiotherapist will record your running technique on video whilst on a treadmill and assess your technique. The physiotherapist may look at things such as:

  • Cadence
  • Ground reaction forces
  • Joint positioning
  • Stride length
  • Hip stability
  • Torso rotation
  • Foot placement/landing position

After the assessment is complete, an analysis of your running technique will be performed by your physiotherapist and feedback provided. This may then lead to exercises or drills to correct any flaws to enhance specific movement patterns essential for improved performance.

At BJC Health, we are up to date with the latest trends in running. From barefoot running to ultra marathons, our physiotherapists are constantly upgrading our skills to have a thorough understanding of the science behind running.

We believe a running assessment with BJC Health will help you achieve your goals and much, much more.


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