Being sidelined with an ankle injury (yet another one!) has been really tough. It’s been hard watching my basketball team from the sidelines not able ...
It's that time of year again! For those of you who haven't heard of it, Exercise Right Week is a national campaign to help inspire all Australians to ...
If you follow our feed on Facebook, you probably enjoyed (or got sick of) seeing a strong contingent of the BJC team running amuck down in Melbourne ...
As a keen basketballer (and all round cool dude) I’ve had my fair share of injuries over the years. My knee, ankles, lower back and neck have all had ...
Lucy has been coming to our clinic for some time. She is a regular in our group sessions, (often attending first thing in the early morning!) and has ...
Are you keen on increasing your activity levels but you are in pain? Are you interested in starting a new exercise routine but unsure as to where to ...
Myself and Robyn Yin are up in sunny Brisbane attending the bi-annual Exercise and Sports Science conference. Our association (ESSA) puts together a ...
There is plenty of good evidence supporting the benefits of interval training. Helps with weight loss? Tick Helps with improving fitness? Tick Able ...