First and foremost… Happy New Year! Myself and the team at BJC Health hope that you have a successful year on all fronts and you are recharged after ...
As the end of the year approaches, many of our clients have a common wish on their wishlist… better health! For some, this wish is related to their ...
‘Tis the season to be merry… a great time of year for many reasons, but Christmas certainly provides a challenge to our regular fitness routines. The ...
And just like that, Spring is here! Warmer mornings, longer evenings and the knowledge that winter is on its way out is enough to get my smiling :) ...
I’ve been a musculoskeletal physiotherapist for the last few years. Having over 20 years of dance expertise myself, I've always had a strong interest ...
Have you ever signed up for a walking or running event to help motivate you to get active? Or joined an office challenge like Step-tember? Or set out ...
Steve presented like many Plantar Fasciitis patients that I have seen. Frustrated, annoyed and pretty fed up. He had become increasingly frustrated ...