We are more than a jumble of bones, muscles and nerves. Pain is not purely caused by physical injury. Science and medicine in present day is really ...
It's nearly that time of year again where BJC Health celebrates Exercise Right Week (23rd - 29th May 2016). Our Exercise Physiologists are once again ...
"So you’re saying it’s all in my head? My pain is real” can be a patient response when discussing pain. Explaining pain to patients is challenging. ...
There are many four letter words in the English language. Which one pops into your head? In the physiotherapy world, the most common four letter word ...
This week's post is from Jacqueline Chang, one of our Parramatta physios. Her areas of expertise include chronic pain and muscle energy techniques. ...
ANZAC day usually conjures images of a crumbly Anzac Biscuit or a pint of beer with a game of two-up at the pub. However, this year will be a little ...
For many years now, research has suggested the lack of efficacy in using “machines” to help manage tendon injuries. Some of you may be familiar with ...