Feeling more aches and pains?

We totally appreciate at the moment that some of our clients are experiencing more aches and pains than they’re usually accustomed to, and we get it.
With everything else going on, it can be frustrating to feel that your body isn't holding up as well as you would like. So I think for us here at the clinic, we've been keen to offer some potential ways that you can try and navigate this a little bit better.
But firstly, remember that you are not alone! There are many of us that have had to completely change routine both in terms of work and home life! And this will take time for your body to grow accustomed to.
Tip Number 1: Check your posture
Due to these rapid and multi-faceted changes, be conscious of the postures that you are now spending considerable periods of time in. And where possible, try and optimize those postures as best as you can. The team has put together a few videos on setting up your workstation from home. But if you are still struggling to create your desired set up, then please reach out and I'm sure one of the team can offer you more assistance. Hope you enjoy Heidi's tips!
Tip Number 2: Keep moving!
I'm totally biased as an Exercise Physiologist, and I know like I'm always rambling on about ways to keep moving but this has never been more important, with less ways to even be incidentally active.
Again, a lot of us aren't going to the cafe, we aren't having those social catch ups which can often include a component of physical activity. So some of the aches and pains you might be experiencing can actually be related to how sedentary we all are at the moment. So if you're not already in a good exercise routine, again, don't worry, there's been a lot to take on in the last few weeks. But where possible, building in some regular movement snacks into your day, can be very helpful as well as actually looking to rebuild a bit of a structured exercise routine. Here's EP Robyn moving around with a bag of rice in case you need some inspiration :)
Robyn's Rice Bag Workout!
We've also got a number of different workouts over on our you-tube channel to help keep you moving well during this time.
Tip Number 3: How's your sleep?
Again, appreciate we've all had to cope with changes to routine and changes to scheduling. Sleep can often be pushed aside, or at least altered to cope with the different challenges that we've all been dealing with. But again, if you found that your sleep has been altered, where possible, trying to get back into a good healthy routine with sleep can do wonders for helping you manage aches and pains that might be arising.
So there you have it, hope those three tips help in some way, and remember you can reach out if you ever need to. Although the tips sound simple enough, we realise it can be tricky to implement these sorts of changes without support! We're here to help you feel as best as you possibly can, even in these testing time.