Belinda and Vanessa have just completed a myofascial release course

Belinda (Chatswood clinic) and Vanessa (Chatswood and Brookvale clinics) have just completed Thomas Myers' Anatomy Trains course on myofascial release therapy.
Myofascial release therapy is about manual therapy of a broad definition of fascia, a definition which includes all the fascia from classical anatomy, as well as both the large, connected fascia in and around the muscles, and all the similar tissues in the body such as tendons, liagments and bursae. In many therapists' view, this greater range of fascia is interconnected and works as a mechanical regulator of the body.
For example, Achilles injuries can sometimes be related to problems in the muscle fascia higher up the leg where there is dysfunction. As a manual therapist it is important to treat these areas too as they may be part of the cause of injury - for example, dysfunctional soft-tissues in one area leading to poor movement in a limb and then symptoms appearing in another area of that limb.
Therapies such as trigger point, massage, dry needling, stretching and foam rolling are all used to improve fascial quality, reducing tension and improving the their natural stretch reflex in order to reduce pain, and improve movement quality and performance.
Belinda and Vanessa learnt more about where the functional lines and trigger points of the fascia are in the body, in order to better diagnose and treat soft tissue injuries. Knowing these will help Belinda and Vanessa better treat the causes of pain and dysfunction in their clients and not just the symptoms.