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Inflammatory Back Pain awareness campaign

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A new consumer-focused campaign, Don't Turn Your Back On It, is being launched this weekend.

Our own Dr Irwin Lim has been working with Abbvie on this campaign and he will be charting its progress in his blog as the campaign progresses.

The campaign's website at has a self-assessment tool and answers to commonly-asked questions - a great place to start if you have any chronic back pain.

There is also a travelling health education service too which kicks off near the Palm Tree Car Park at Warringah Mall in Brookvale this weekend. There will be a Back Cave, a vintage Airstream caravan, comfy furniture and refreshments, iPad kiosks with which to access the website and some approachable health professionals such as the good Dr Lim and Errol Lim (Irwin from 10am 'till 2pm on Saturday, and Errol both Saturday and Sunday).

Come and say hi and have your questions answered by two experts in the treatment of inflammatory back pain!

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