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Hong Kong Oxfam!

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Hong Kong Oxfam

On the 15th and 16th of November Errol, Hans, Sarah and Belinda of BJC Health competed in the Hong Kong Oxfam 100km Trail Walker.

While raising funds to help overcome poverty and injustice around the world, Sarah, Belinda, Hans and Errol completed the gruelling trek in 23 hours and 33 minutes.

They placed 176 out of 1250 teams, doing exceptionally well, especially with a few obstacles along the way and some shut eye at the 70km mark.

The BJC team is now looking for a new challenge. Their two Oxfam races have been instrumental in giving a lot of focus to the team - our physios, the exercise physiologists, massage therapists and dietitians have all been helping out the smaller team actually walking and learning along the way through the collaboration.

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