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All JAMmed out!

Belinda Prince |

Our second BJC JAM (Joint and Musculoskeletal) conference took place over the weekend, with over 100 attendees.  There were GPs, physios, exercise physiologists, medical specialists, chiropractors, massage therapists and occupational therapists in attendance.

The theme of the day was collaboration and we were fortunate to occupy the Chau Chak Building at UTS.

It was a jam packed day, filled with our very own BJC staff and guest speakers educating us all about arthritis.

I was fortunate to lead the Allied Health Workshop with Tom, one of our exercise physiologists.

In this previous blog, I have mentioned that through much of our training, as allied health practitioners, we unfortunately do not learn much about arthritis. For that reason, it was especially exciting to teach a group of more than 40 allied health practitioners more about arthritis. It was also refreshing to see how keen the group was to learn more about this group of diseases.

I hope this is a small step in helping more health practitioners improve their ability to identify different types of arthritis with patients, and helping them manage these conditions more appropriately and confidently.

If we can all continue to improve our knowledge about arthritis and improve communication and cooperation between medical and health practitioners, all our patients should continue to receive better care and better outcomes.

I’m looking forward to our next BJC JAM to keep spreading the word about connected care and arthritis.

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