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Sports Nutrition

City to Surf

Chloe McLeod |

This weekend marks City to Surf, one of the biggest races on the Australian racing calendar. For the past 43 years, people from all walks of life converge on the city, to then make it up the infamous ‘heartbreak hill’, and down into Bondi.

For some of you, 14km is a warm up, whilst for others, this will be the furthest you’ve ever run. Some take it seriously, whilst others attend for the excitement and take their time to cross the finish line.

My tips to help you get through race day?

- Eat a light, carb-filled snack before hand – such as a banana, some dates, toast or weetbix.

- Remember to take into account the time it will take you to get to the race with your eating, ie if you normally walk out the door and start running, but will take an hour to get to the race, plan your meal accordingly around this.

- Avoid eating something you haven’t tried before hand. The last thing you want is gut issues during the race.

- Ensure you are adequately hydrated

Once you get to the finish line, enjoy celebrating!

Chloe McLeod is a dietitian at BJC Health.
This blog focuses on diet & nutrition generally and diet & nutrition in relation to the treatment of arthritis and arthritis-related diseases.
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