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General diet advice

Why should you see an Accredited Exercise Physiologist?

Chloe McLeod |

This week is Exercise Right Week, the first week celebrating the expertise Exercise Physiologists bring to the world of physical activity. Many of us have experienced injury, or simply aren’t getting what we need (and deserve!) out of a general training program. With one of our EP’s, a specialized program to ensure you achieve your goals, be it health or activity related (or both) is exactly what you get.

Sarah & Sharnee, two of our Exercise Physiologists Sarah & Sharnee, two of our Exercise Physiologists

In the spirit of the week, I thought I would share with you how our team of EP’s has helped me...

As some of you have seen in previous posts, I ran my first marathon earlier this year, and there is no way I would have been able to accomplish this without the expertise of Sarah, Tom and Sharnee.

I will never forget my initial running assessment with Sarah. I don’t think she will either. She had left the room for a minute to grab something whilst I started. I knew I was a little heavy footed, but to use her words ‘it sounded like there was a 200kg person on there, and I didn’t understand what had happened!’… Along with some weakness in my right side due to an old injury, to say she had a bit of work to do is putting it nicely…!

Since then, our EP team has been challenged with finding me new activities (I get bored easily), that I don’t find too difficult (I much prefer coasting along), and inventive ways of describing said activities that still achieve the outcomes we are looking for has been an endless supply of headshakes, laughs, and ‘are you kidding me’ moments, all of which they have not only taken in their stride, but managed to help me achieve exercise goals I never thought I would even want to achieve, let alone be able to achieve.

Such a positive experience has meant that I am more than happy to refer my own clients to them if they need assistance with improving their physical activity, for whatever reason. The happy comments I get back about the team, and the change I can see in my clients is an absolute delight and one of the things I enjoy most about my job – helping people to be the best version of themselves they can be.

If you have been hesitant about seeing an EP and getting started with your exercise, there is no time like the present. I promise you they are not scary, and I can say with 100% confidence that they can not only help you achieve your goals, you will probably exceed them as well.

Yay for our EPs!

Chloe McLeod is a dietitian at BJC Health. This blog focuses on diet & nutrition generally and diet & nutrition in relation to the treatment of arthritis and arthritis-related diseases. Contact us if you’d like our help in managing diet-related health issues

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